鐵觀音康普茶 | Tie Guan Yin


Original price was: NT$780.Current price is: NT$750.




京盛宇的鐵觀音,使用青心烏龍,茶葉透過鐵觀音的深烘焙製法,帶出烘焙香氣,散發誘人焦香和濃醇蜜味,更多了一點微微酸韻,也就是俗稱的觀音韻。 鐵觀音康普茶入口濃郁回甘,尾韻帶有焦糖香氣,提神醒腦。



Tie Guan Yin Kombucha

Jing Sheng Yu’s fantastic Taiwan-sourced Tieguanyin uses QingXin Oolong. The tea leaves are roasted to bring out a delicious toasty aroma and a subtly honey flavor. The roasted, toasty notes of the TieGuanYin makes for an exceptionally smooth kombucha.

Ingredients: Kai Kombucha (Reverse Osmosis Water, Cane Sugar (Brazil), Oolong Tea (Taiwan), Kombucha Cultures), Tie Guan Yin Tea (Taiwan)


Why Drink Kombucha?

微酸順口、低糖含量、清爽健康,是大家對於康普茶的第一印象。我們的手工精釀康普茶更嚴選台灣烏龍茶葉及蔗糖做為釀造基底,使康普茶富含有益茶多酚、有機酸、益生菌及葡萄糖醛酸等成分,有利於幫助消化、促進新陳代謝 、調整體質等。Kai康普茶不僅是美味的天然發酵氣泡飲,更是新一代的健康飲品選擇,邀請你大口喝Kai,天天開心、開胃又開懷!

In addition to the funky, not too sweet, a little sour flavor of Kai Kombucha, it has tons of benefits! It’s naturally rich source of probiotics and healthy acids – which can aid in digestion and support the body’s natural detoxifying abilities and your gut health – kombucha is a delicious, bubbly beverage that makes you feel energetic and clean.